Thursday, April 12, 2012

I want out!

Recently at home group one of our group’s regulars said, “I feel like there is something missing.” He was referring to life in general, and feeling a bit unsatisfied. I began to ponder about this, ‘Are we missing anything? Is he right? Are we really and truly living an extravagant supernatural life that God was predestined for us?’ I feel like personally I am experiencing this supernatural life God has for us some of the time, but there is so much more, and it should be all of the time! I began to think of why some of us feel this way, and God showed me this illustration, which I wanted to share.

First, as you may or may not know I have a two year old son named Rainn, who is such a delight. He is very vocal for his age and communicates sentences very well. So, here is the illustration: Everyone morning he calls for my wife and I when he wakes up; and once we respond and enter his room he is always standing up in his crib ready for the day. As soon as we open the door and he sees us, he almost immediately says, “I want out. I want out!” He’s been doing this for 6 months or more, and he will say it over and over, until we pick him up and take him out of his crib.

When Rainn goes to bed at night most of the time he is totally content with his crib. He has a blanket, his animals and a nice pillow to sleep on. However, this contentment only last during the night. When he wakes up, he is no longer satisfied with his bed, but desperately wants to venture out into the great big world and begin to play and explore for the day. His attitude about his circumstances totally change when he wakes up from: Contentment, to Total un-satisfaction with his surroundings.

I believe this is how the Holy Ghost feels many times. As Christians, we all have the Holy Spirit inside of us. (I Corinthians 3:16) It is truly remarkable to have this wonderful counselor of truth with and within us as we engage in our daily endeavors of life. But is this gift of the Holy Spirit for our sole benefit alone? No! We have the Holy Ghost not only to experience the kingdom of God inside our own lives, but also so we can invade others’ lives with this radical touch of heaven! I believe the Holy Spirit, is gently whispering to each of us, “I want out. I want out!”

Its not that the Holy Ghost wants OUT of you, it’s that He wants to extend his reach THROUGH you. Many people are becoming content with regular everyday life, and even possibly encountering God occasionally on a personal level, but never letting this relationship out to actually affect others. (Oh no, I am talking about myself here too... : ) ) They may become content with personal break through with the Lord, but only internally. This is good, but personal break through should create change not only in us but it should also trickle out to create change in those around us as well. It is vitally important that we remember we are WITNESSES of God THROUGH the Holy Spirit. (This is Acts 1:8, the basics) Lets be some witnesses baby! (Mark 16:15 Go into all the world!)

Now I don’t want to bring condemnation on anyone who thinks, ‘I haven’t witnessed to anyone lately…’ That’s not my point at all! I just want to remind, bring to light, and encourage you all, that:  Witnessing is one of the reasons we have the Holy Spirit, and unfortunately I think many people seem to forget this. (This blog post is just to encourage you!) Sometimes we seep into complacency or comfort, and just get stuck, getting our breakthroughs for our selves. And personal spiritual breakthrough is sooo important, but remember that our breakthroughs are Unto something, or For something. Lets share what we got! With both believers and unbelievers alike! Just like my little boy Rainn, its normal for him to have his 'own time’ in his crib at night, but once daytime comes around, he needs to get out and interact with people and the world. My point is: We need to have a balance of God ministering to us internally, so He can use us to minister to others externally.

Is anyone getting encouraged yet? Or, is anyone wondering, “What should I do?” In the coming days, I will blog more about practical tips and ideas for power evangelism and releasing the kingdom of heaven here on earth, which I believe is our destiny as we partner and co-labor with Christ. For now, try this: Just ask someone if you can pray for them. That’s a great start!

Until then, post your own ideas and experiences, I would love to hear what others have been doing! Also, what are some of your favorite verses on the Holy Ghost and how He interacts with people?  And favorite verses and encouragement on evangelism?

Blessings, and may love overwhelm your day,
David Causer